metalstack cloud

Access Your Cluster

After creating your cluster and once it is finished, follow these steps to access it:

1. Show Kubeconfig

Click on Show Kubeconfig.

Show Kubeconfig

2. Choose KubeConfig Expiration

Choose the KubeConfig expiration time in hours.

Copy Kubeconfig

3. Copy Kubeconfig

Copy the displayed Kubeconfig to your clipboard.

Choose KubeConfig Expiration

4. Save Kubeconfig

Paste it into a file named {{choose-your-kubeconfig-name}}.kubeconfig.

5. Set Environment Variable

In your terminal, set the KUBECONFIG environment variable by running:

export KUBECONFIG={{choose-your-kubeconfig-name}}.kubeconfig

Verify Access

To check if your configuration is working, run the following command in the directory where you saved the Kubeconfig:

kubectl get nodes

You should see output similar to:

NAME                                              STATUS   ROLES   AGE    VERSION
shoot--f8e67080ba--postgres-group-0-565cd-hcwhm   Ready    node    113s   v1.24.14

Well done! You now have access to your cluster and can proceed with the other guides.


You've completed this developer guide. We have many more, so feel free to explore our other guides! Should you have any questions about our products or need help with, please reach out to us anytime.