Frequently asked questions


Here you'll find answers

Thank you for your interest in! We have compiled the most important questions about our platform, our services and technical details for you here. Our aim is to provide a clear and transparent overview of all relevant information. If you are still missing something or have specific concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our team is always at your disposal.


Why should I use
Where is your data center located?
Is there a free trial period available before subscribing?
How is my data handled?
Can I scale my resources up or down easily on


What is the function of Managed Kubernetes?
How does the physical tenant separation work?
How can I monitor the performance and usage of my resources?
How does handle software updates and security patches?
Can I access and manage my resources using an API?
Can I bring my own keys?
What is Bare Metal?
How can I deploy my application on
How often are new features and updates rolled out?
Is it possible to set up automated scaling?
How long does it take to deploy a cluster?


What payment methods are supported?
How do I manage my employees’ access rights?
How do I cancel or modify my subscription on
Where do I get support?
Why do I need to be admissioned to use the platform?
How do I delete my account?

Are there any questions left?

Get in touch with us to learn more about our services and how we can help you.

Markus Fensterer